Who remembers having a "Scullery" in their house, usually tucked away off the small cooking kitchen, this was where dishes and clothes would be washed. Featuring a stone earthenware sink or slab that you would pre wash the clothes in then rinse them clear. Most early sinks would only have had a cold tap. Usually using pink carbolic or green or yellow sunlight soap. Oh the smell !! Then transfer the clothes to the galvanised washtub already filled with water heated in a copper boiler. You would then use a Posser or Dolly, it had a large handle and wooden fingers to clean the clothes. You would turn the handle left and right repeatedly to move the clothes back and forth in the water like in an agitator washing machine. You would use Sunlight Soap Flakes in the washtub to clean the clothes. Here`s the washtub and wooden airer to dry the clothes on in front of the kitchen range. And glass washboard with w...
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